Wednesday 31 October 2018

No more complaints: 4 Tips To Starting a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s so easy to list all the things we want to do, and so hard to actually do them. We’re all about getting a workout before work until the alarm goes off at five in the morning, then we’re all about listing complaints and reasons why not to get up. Everyone wants to be the cool instagramer that eats avocado and salads until they have to cook and actually drink those green smoothies. As soon as you have to commit to a healthy lifestyle it’s all complaints, complaints and even more complaints. Fear not! We have the perfect tips to turn those complaints into commitments:

  • Start with small goals: consider it more as a transition rather than a change. Set realistic long-term goals and short-term goals. Give yourself something to work towards to, for example, rather than going for a 5k run start with a 2k walk and work your way up to your 5k goal.
  • Don’t change everything at once: prioritize what area of your life you want to improve first: is it your diet? Is it how much sport you do? Is it your mental health? And build your new healthy lifestyle around that area, because it will all connect in the end. So don’t complain it’s too much.
  • Do it with friends: it always helps when you’re not alone. So whether it’s going to the gym together or cooking with your roommate, it helps to stay committed if you do things together.
  • Keep the hype up: whatever got you excited to change your lifestyle, make sure you work on maintaining your motivation for the first few weeks until it becomes a habit. Read articles, watch youtube videos, anything that keeps you far away from the complaints train that takes you back to the start.

We hope these tricks are enough to motivate you to start and maintain a healthier lifestyle. It’s important to avoid complaining about how hard it can be because a big ally towards you succeeding is your mentality. So, no more complaints, and if you’re looking for some more inspiration go check out our online library for books on the healthy lifestyle you wish to achieve.

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